Professor Sandra Sunram-Lea
ProfessorNeuroscience and Neurocognition
We are passionate about challenging outdated social perceptions regarding women in science.
We believe that the involvement of female, LGBT+ and Black, Asian and ethnic minority researchers and students is essential to psychology's advancement as a subject. We are committed to the University-wide effort to encourage and nurture equality and diversity in higher education. We will continue to lead on and exceed this standard in the future.
The Department received an Athena SWAN Bronze Award in 2014 (renewed in 2017). The original award was the result of our having successfully carried out a detailed and honest self-assessment of the Department. We are presently working towards submission of our renewal in 2023, and have proposed an ambitious, measurable, and timely action plan that clearly promotes gender equality and inclusivity across all departmental activities for students and staff.
Neuroscience and Neurocognition
Developmental Research Group
Cyber Security Research Centre (Psychology), Security Lancaster, Security Lancaster (Behavioural Science)
Neuroscience and Neurocognition
Social Processes
Developmental Research Group
Security Lancaster, Security Lancaster (Software Security)
Developmental Research Group, Language Learning Research Lab